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健臣 水點家 健臣太平洋成員之一 。


水點家一直以來的宗旨是「您的健康,我的願望」,我們關注每個家庭成員的健康,更重要的是日常飲用水的潔淨.要知道身體百分之七十是水.但我們所喝的水卻因環境的污染及運輸管道的細菌而帶來各種疾病,所以為了要達至健康優質生活., 水點家致力推動經澈底過濾的潔淨水及電解還原水®,相信多功能電解水是未來每一個家庭的渴求,亦肯定是家庭健康的必須品,因為電解還原水®無論在科學理論上及臨床醫學上都有完整的科學根據,亦是目前唯一由日本厚生勞動產認證有顯著醫療效果的水!

本公司水點家代理之日本Enagic 健康電解還原水®機有五種功能.

1) pH-8.5 至pH-9.5 鹼性健康飲水用
2) pH-7 弱鹼性淨水食藥用

3) pH-5.5 微酸性水美容水用
4)pH-11 強鹼性水具有去除蔬果農藥及防腐劑作用
5) pH-2.5 強酸性水具有消毒外作用,快速消㓕細菌,有效消毒清潔皮膚

熱線-Tel : 852 2508 1488
我們相信 「完美生活就由健康 水點家 開始」


Chanson's Healthy Water Family,  a member of the Chanson Pacific Group, is established to promote healthy Kangen Water®.

Our vision is "your health, my wish".  We are concerned about the health of each family member, more importantly, drinking healthy water everyday.  One should know that seventy percent of the body is made up of water. But because of bacterial pollution of the environment and transportation pipelines, what we drink contains a variety of gems or diseases.  We believe multifunctional electrolysis of water is the desire of every family in the future, and family health is certainly a necessity.  Electrolysis of water is made up of scientific theory and clinical studies with complete scientific basis.  Kangen Water® is approved as a medical device and certified by the Japanese Ministry of Labour and Welfare.

Kangen water® machine has five functions.

1) pH-8.5 to pH-9.5 with basic healthy drinking water
2) pH-7 clean water

3) pH-5.5 slightly acidic water for beauty
4) pH-11 strongly alkaline water with the removal of pesticides and preservatives from fruits and vegetables
5) pH-2.5 strongly acidic water


This Japan-manufactured Enagic Kangen Water® machine includes five years of free guaranteed maintenance. Any interested parties, please contact us at

hotline Tel: 852 2508 1488.

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